More than just column projections When we look around for further pointers in the tree nodes, we find more pieces resembling the column projections we have seen so far. With some experimenting, we will find out that these are access predicates and filters. First of all, the location of these pointers is not always the same, it seems that the value at 0x34 is some kind of flag, indicating whether filters and/or access predicates are present, and where. Or whether there is just one, or more of them. It probably also indicates what other info is present, but I have no idea what info that would be or what each value means. Resembling, but different The data we see as predicates are not columns; after all, a predicate is a condition, not a single column. But the structure is similar to what we have seen with columns, and if we follow pointers further, we eventually build a tree, and some of the leaves are indeed just column projections. After some contemplation, we realize it's...
I use this blog to publish the small bits I come accross when using the Oracle Database. It's the "every day I learn something new" style.