Quite often, a procedure needs to know some information about the session it is running in - at least for logging some information. It seems to be easy to find this information - just look at SYS_CONTEXT documentation, and find the impressive list of attributes of USERENV context. And if something is missing, just grab the SESSIONID, SID or AUDSID and query v$session or other view. Well, this works nicely, as long as you don't do it in a job. Unfortunately, in a job you always get 0. You can try to battle with FG_JOB_ID and BG_JOB_ID, but I think this deserves a more elegant solution - and that's why I always query v$mystat to get the SID of my process. Just fetch the first line: select * from v$session where sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1) You need a select grant on v_$mystat by SYS, but as this view does not expose anything important, it's not a security issue. The next question that comes is: if I am run by a job (let's talk about dbms_job now), what...
I use this blog to publish the small bits I come accross when using the Oracle Database. It's the "every day I learn something new" style.